By Friday 28th September we will need:
India - head dress and shirt DONE
Toni - the actual song DONE
Jen - shawl and ask friends who have frees when we have media if they can be in the film DONE
Nadia - find people to film (didn't meet deadline)
27/09 - sort out planning schedule DONE
28/09 - start filming in lesson on the back field if the weather is right, if not in the green room. Jen and Toni can start editing in 5th period in the editing suite. Meet outside the library (didn't meet deadline due to attendance)
01/10 - lesson 4 after lunch filming outside on the back field. (lack of attendance) During media lesson half of us carry on filming and half of us do some editing in the editing suite. (created a new group and started filming)
02/10 - Jen and Toni editing after lunch in the editing suite (not enough filming had been done)
03/10 - after lunch we all have frees (except Jen who is at Physio) and we'll meet to edit of film. LAST DAY OF FILMING! We will decide on how much filming and editing we need to do when we know how far we have got (finished filming)
04/10 - Jen and Toni have a free together 3rd lesson to do some editing (edited)
05/10 - we're all available during our lesson and 5th period (most of us edited)
08/10 - DEADLINE AT 4!! Adding final adjustments during the lesson (edited most of the film together and met the deadline)
We can't get together and film at the weekends because we all live a long way from each other and we all have work commitments/weddings/other cities we have to be in.
We all have each others phone numbers and emails so we can be in constant contact with one another
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